About US Page

There is so much to experience, become, accomplish. And as humans, we are always haunted by the myth of our potential. This concept of missing out on a “life unlived” isn’t new, but it’s exaggerated in our digital age, where social media can make all of these feelings more intense. There are infinitely more ways we are reminded of what we are missing. Most people you meet throughout your day will tell you they are “just so busy these days.”  

What if you knew were enough, already? You are right where you need to be. Those feelings of overwhelm might just be telling you to take some time for self care.

Self Care is The New Going Out. But self care is so much more than just face masking and taking naps. It’s choosing yourself. It’s a reminder to take off your life and rest.

TLC's mission is to serve as a reminder to nurture yourself. 

You own the world, you own your body.

Glow honey, glow~